– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v1.0 (03.06.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Added server protection module.
Added channel protection module.
Added role protection module.
Added emoji protection module.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v1.3 (21.08.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Added advertisement protection module.
Added spam protection module.
Bug Fixes
Fixed known bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v1.5 (26.08.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Resolved permission arrangement error.
Fixed DM sender error.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v1 Project Closure –
Development for v1 version has concluded. Preparing for the next version transition (v2).
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.0 (13.09.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Enhanced server protection module.
Enhanced channel protection module.
Enhanced role protection module.
Enhanced emoji protection module.
Enhanced advertisement protection module.
Enhanced spam protection module.
Added penalty selection system.
Added whitelist system.
Added reporting system.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.0.1 (14.09.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Resolved known bugs.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.1 (18.09.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Improved role protection module.
Added feature for sending usage and information messages after setup completion.
Bug Fixes
Resolved known bugs.
Applied text corrections.
Identified Issues
Spam protection module deactivated due to inconsistent operation.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.1.3 (20.09.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Improved role protection module.
Enhanced spam protection module and reactivated.
Bug Fixes
Resolved known bugs.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.1.8 (22.09.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Activated 2FA system on a client basis.
Added moderation system. (Now you can use /ban and /kick commands via the bot.)
Implemented visual interface enhancements.
Bug Fixes
Resolved known bugs.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.2 (28.09.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Added Profanity/Insult protection module.
Added Caps Lock protection module.
Enhanced advertisement protection module.
Enhanced spam protection module.
Improved structure and algorithm system.
Improved error and algorithm system.
Applied visual interface enhancements.
Bug Fixes
Resolved known bugs.
Applied text corrections.
Applied visual corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.2.1 (29.09.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the server protection module that prevented the module from functioning.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.2.2 (02.10.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Resolved inconsistency issue in Profanity/Insult protection module.
Fixed known bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.3 (17.10.2021) –
New & Improved Features
Added Risky/Fake account protection module.
Enhanced Profanity/Insult protection module.
Improved structure and algorithm system.
Bug Fixes
Resolved errors caused by permission issues in some commands, hindering bot operation. (Fix 1)
Fixed known bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.3.1 (18.10.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Fixed errors caused by permission issues in some commands, hindering bot operation. (Fix 2)
Resolved an issue in the Risky/Fake account protection module that caused incomplete logging of information.
Fixed known bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2.3.2 (29.10.2021) –
Bug Fixes
Fixed error in emoji protection module.
Resolved conflict issue in servers using different security bots.
Fixed error in message deletion (/delete) command.
Applied text corrections.
Fixed known bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v2 Project Closure –
Development for v2 version has concluded. Preparing for the next version transition (v3).
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.0 (01.01.2022) –
New & Improved Features
Enhanced server protection module.
Enhanced channel protection module.
Enhanced role protection module.
Enhanced emoji protection module.
Enhanced advertisement protection module.
Enhanced spam protection module.
Enhanced Profanity/Insult protection module.
Enhanced Caps Lock protection module.
Added Anti Raid protection module.
Enhanced Risky/Fake account protection module.
Added Captcha protection module.
Added Anti DDoS protection module.
Added Malicious Link protection module.
Added Unauthorized Access attempts protection module.
Added Record system.
Added Ban/Kick limit system.
Improved adjustable penalty system.
Enhanced whitelist system.
Improved reporting system.
Added premium system.
Added multi-language support.
Added Top.gg API support.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.0.1 (02.01.2022) –
Bug Fixes
Optimized database.
Fixed issue where a member on the whitelist wasn’t removed when leaving or being kicked from the server. (Automatically removed now.)
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.1 (25.01.2022) –
New & Improved Features
Added German, French, and Spanish language support. (French and Spanish will be activated in the following days.)
Added initial setup information and thank you message.
Improved Captcha protection module. (Now more stable and responsive.)
Enhanced Malicious link protection module. (Over 16,700 malicious links added to the database system.)
Enhanced Profanity/Insult protection module. (More data entry added for all supported languages.)
Improved penalty system. (Previously, protections like Profanity/Insult, Caps Lock, and Spam could be abused if the limit was exceeded without selecting from the menu. Now, a penalty menu is displayed at 70% warning threshold, and automatically applied at 100%.)
Now, with the /set unreg-role command, the role you specify for unregistered users will automatically be given to members joining the server.
Developed reactive analysis system against attack bots. (All bots not whitelisted will be treated as threats.)
Now, with the /mod timeout command, you can issue timeouts via our bot.
Added advanced warning system. You can warn your members with /mod warn add and related commands, list previous warnings with /mod warn list, or remove issued warnings with /mod warn remove. (Warning system acts as a yellow card for rule violations.)
Now, with the /set mod-limit command, you can set the mod limit threshold. (Default is set to 3 bans or kicks within 1 hour.)
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues in our database system affecting stability.
Fixed issues in our database system affecting functionality.
Fixed language detection issue in the /mod clear command.
Fixed $1 text error in warning message when a non-owner attempts to use the bot’s setup commands. (Server owner will now be displayed.)
Fixed missing message error in the penalty menu when selecting “Remove Penalty (Jail)”. (Now it will be listed like other actions.)
Added the “Remove Penalty (Jail)” option to the penalty menu, covering members caught by the Malicious link protection module with the role of “Jail.”
Fixed all undiscovered bugs.
Applied text corrections.
Applied visual corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.5 (31.03.2022) –
New & Improved Features
Added Web Panel support.
Enhanced server protection module.
Improved structure and algorithm system.
Optimized and updated structure and algorithm system to the latest Node JS version.
Ensured compatibility with v14 infrastructure.
Bug Fixes
Resolved all database system issues affecting general performance.
Fixed issue in the /ban command.
Fixed all undiscovered bugs.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.8 (28.06.2022) –
New & Improved Features
Added Anti Webhook protection module.
Added Anti Self Bot Detector protection module. [PREMIUM]
Added Anti Ghost Ping protection module. [PREMIUM]
Added Anti Everyone protection system.
Added Message Logging system.
Enhanced Channel Protection module. (Now, channels created by bots owned by you will be exempted by our module.)
Improved Profanity/Insult protection module.
Improved Logging system.
Enhanced multi-language experience. (Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian) (Some languages will be added in the following days.)
Improved infrastructure, modules, helper messages, module messages, and skeleton structure.
Implemented system improvements.
Implemented structural improvements.
Implemented visual enhancements.
Implemented text enhancements.
Bug Fixes
Resolved the issue of “Object Object” appearing in the audit log when “KICK” is applied to any member by the bot.
Fixed 27 bugs that were affecting bot operation, slowing it down, and causing load on DB queries.
Fixed “Discord API ERROR” issue in the message deletion command.
Fixed the issue of non-premium users encountering errors when trying to use premium features activated with v3.8 update. (Hot-Fix 1)
Fixed all undiscovered bugs.
Applied text corrections.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.8.1 (01.07.2022) –
Bug Fixes
Fixed the error in the message logging module that caused the bot to crash.
Fixed embed error in different languages.
Fixed logic errors affecting the project’s operation.
Fixed all discovered bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.8.2 (12.07.2022) –
New & Improved Features
Enabled Shard system. (10 Shards)
Activated Matchify partnership. (An announcement regarding this will be made.)
Implemented performance, security, and structure improvements.
Bug Fixes
Fixed all discovered bugs.
Identified Issues
We’re working on the issue of being unable to issue a Timeout even when owning the server but not having any role above us.
We’re aware of the error in the web panel when entering data outside of an integer for the Mod Limit value. We’re working on a fix.
Due to the Shard improvements, log channels on the web panel may not fetch the necessary data. We’re working on a solution.
It has been observed that systematic up messages are being sent in multiplied form every hour. We’re working on a solution.
Following the Shard improvements, we’re monitoring all processes, analyzing them, and fixing any issues detected as quickly as possible.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.8.3 (21.07.2022) –
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue in the message logging system causing the module to shut down.
Fixed embed error in different languages.
Fixed logic errors affecting the project’s operation.
Fixed all discovered bugs.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.9.0 (15.11.2022) –
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue causing intermittent failures in the anti-webhook protection module, ensuring consistent functionality.
Fixed a logic error in the message logging system that occasionally led to data discrepancies.
Addressed an edge case where certain commands were not correctly executed, rectifying the issue to maintain smooth operation.
Optimized database queries for enhanced performance and stability across all modules.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.9.5 (18.05.2023) –
Bug Fixes
Corrected an anomaly in the anti-self bot detector protection module, ensuring accurate identification of potential threats.
Addressed a flaw in the anti-everyone protection mechanism, bolstering defenses against unwanted mentions.
Implemented stability improvements to the message logging system, reducing instances of data loss.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.9.6 (07.08.2023) –
New & Improved Features
Strengthened the anti-webhook protection module with advanced anomaly detection algorithms, bolstering defenses against malicious activities.
Enhanced the message logging system with improved data organization and storage efficiency, facilitating easier access to logged information.
Optimized the performance of the anti-everyone protection system, ensuring swift and accurate detection of unauthorized mentions.
– Golyat Security – Guard Bot v3.9.9 (03.02.2024) –
New & Improved Features
Ban/Kick Limit Module has been improved. You will now be able to input 0 into the /set mod-limit command value and trigger the module on the first violation.
All systems and modules have been generally improved.
Bug Fixes
Some errors have been fixed.
Golyat Security – Guard Bot Web Dashboard v0.3 (Beta.Release) (04.04.2022)
New & Improved Features
General settings and protection modules are integrated into the panel.
Information panel is added.
Security settings are configured and improved.
Optimization is configured and improved.
Fixed Bugs
Websocket slowness and SSL mixed error have been fixed.
Golyat Security – Guard Bot Web Dashboard v1.0 (02.05.2022)
New & Improved Features
Our project has been updated as Public.Release (v1.0).
Golyat Security – Guard Bot Web Dashboard v1.2 (19.06.2022)
New & Improved Features
Mobile version improvements are applied.
Golyat Security – Guard Bot Web Dashboard v1.3 (05.07.2022)
New & Improved Features
Web panel access is restricted with a requirement of voting on Top.gg once every 12 hours.
Necessary agreements and provisions for GDPR compliance have been applied.
Mobile version improvements are applied.
Fixed Bugs
The login issue on the web panel, despite voting on Top.gg, has been fixed.
Golyat Security – Guard Bot Web Dashboard v1.4 (18.07.2022)
New & Improved Features
Frontend & Backend improvements and optimizations are applied.
Fixed Bugs
Data processing, retrieval, and sending errors have been fixed. (You can now see and configure log channels.)